
抓取的信息一共有82040条,保存在MongoDB中。 每一条信息的字段如下所示:

> use douban
switched to db douban
> db.subjects.find().count()
> db.subjects.find().limit(1)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a322ab27b514a3dfa645f20"), "detail_url" : "https://movie.douban.com/subject/1292052/", "subject_id" : "1292052", "name" : "肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption", "year" : 1994, "more_name" : "月黑高飞(港) / 刺激1995(台) / 地狱诺言 / 铁窗岁月 / 消香克的救赎", "full_name" : "肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption / 月黑高飞(港) / 刺激1995(台) / 地狱诺言 / 铁窗岁月 / 消香克的救赎", "score" : 9.6, "count" : 926181, "movie_intro" : "20世纪40年代末,小有成就的青年银行家安迪(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)因涉嫌杀害妻子及她的情人而锒铛入狱。在这座名为肖申克的监狱内,希望似乎虚无缥缈,终身监禁的惩罚无疑注定了安迪接下来灰暗绝望的人生。未过多久,安迪尝试接近囚犯中颇有声望的瑞德(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰),请求对方帮自己搞来小锤子。以此为契机,二人逐渐熟稔,安迪也仿佛在鱼龙混杂、罪恶横生、黑白混淆的牢狱中找到属于自己的求生之道。他利用自身的专业知识,帮助监狱管理层逃税、洗黑钱,同时凭借与瑞德的交往在犯人中间也渐渐受到礼遇。表面看来,他已如瑞德那样对那堵高墙从憎恨转变为处之泰然,但是对自由的渴望仍促使他朝着心中的希望和目标前进。而关于其罪行的真相,似乎更使这一切朝前推进了一步……", "top_num" : 1, "imdb" : "tt0111161", "imdb_url" : "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161", "have_seen_count" : 1172419, "want_see_count" : 93389, "short_comment_count" : 217458, "comment_count" : 5662, "is_top250" : 1, "runtime" : 142, "director" : [ "弗兰克·德拉邦特" ], "actor" : [ "蒂姆·罗宾斯", "摩根·弗里曼", "鲍勃·冈顿", "威廉姆·赛德勒", "克兰西·布朗", "吉尔·贝罗斯", "马克·罗斯顿", "詹姆斯·惠特摩", "杰弗里·德曼", "拉里·布兰登伯格", "尼尔·吉恩托利", "布赖恩·利比", "大卫·普罗瓦尔", "约瑟夫·劳格诺", "祖德·塞克利拉" ], "scriptwriter" : [ "弗兰克·德拉邦特", "斯蒂芬·金" ], "region" : [ "美国" ], "category" : "电影", "type" : [ "剧情", "犯罪" ], "language" : [ "英语" ], "update_time" : "2017-12-19 15:53:06" }

字段挺多,导出一些字段出来分析。 用mongoexport从MongoDB导出:

mongoexport -d douban -c subjects --type json -f subject_id,category,name,score,count,have_seen_count,want_see_count,short_comment_count,comment_count,year -o subjects.json




In [55]: open(path).readline()
Out[55]: '{"_id":{"$oid":"5a322ab27b514a3dfa645f20"},"subject_id":"1292052","name":"肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption","score":9.6,"count":926181,"have_seen_count":1172419,"want_see_count":93389,"short_comment_count":217458,"comment_count":5662,"category":"电影","year":1994}\n'


In [57]: import json

In [58]: path='subjects.json'

In [59]: records = [json.loads(line) for line in open(path)]

In [60]: len(records)
Out[60]: 82040

In [61]: import sys

In [62]: sys.getsizeof(records)
Out[62]: 732816

In [63]: records[0]
{'_id': {'$oid': '5a322ab27b514a3dfa645f20'},
 'category': '电影',
 'comment_count': 5662,
 'count': 926181,
 'have_seen_count': 1172419,
 'name': '肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption',
 'score': 9.6,
 'short_comment_count': 217458,
 'subject_id': '1292052',
 'year': 1994,
 'want_see_count': 93389}


In [89]: def count_col_value(col, sequences):
    ...:     d = {}
    ...:     for seq in sequences:
    ...:         col_value = seq.get(col)
    ...:         if col_value not in d:
    ...:             d[col_value] = 1
    ...:         else:
    ...:             d[col_value] += 1
    ...:     return d
# 统计不同的视频类别的个数
In [91]: count_col_value('category', records)
Out[91]: {'动画': 3608, '电影': 58576, '电视剧': 15452, '短片': 630, '纪录片': 1967, '综艺': 1807}

# 统计不同年份的视频个数
In [90]: count_col_value('year', records)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-90-5fefa6e219bf> in <module>()
----> 1 count_col_value('year', records)
<ipython-input-89-f0fb1190d4b9> in count_col_value(col, sequences)
      3     for seq in sequences:
      4         col_value = seq.get(col)
----> 5         if col_value not in d:
      6             d[col_value] = 1
      7         else:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'


In [86]: for i, v  in enumerate(records):
    ...:     if type(v['year']) == list:
    ...:         records[i]['year'] = 1900

In [87]: count_col_value('year', records)
 1900: 300,
 2010: 4179,
 2011: 4171,
 2012: 4524,
 2013: 4570,
 2014: 4673,
 2015: 4844,
 2016: 4571,
 2017: 2484,
 2018: 1}
# count_col_value更好的实现方式 利用defaultdict
In [94]: from collections import defaultdict

In [95]: def count_col_value(col, sequences):
    ...:     d = defaultdict(int)
    ...:     for seq in sequences:
    ...:         col_value = seq.get(col)
    ...:         d[col_value] += 1
    ...:     return d
# 如果序列中的字段值都是可散列的,可以利用collections模块中的Counter函数直接计算,这个例子并不满足
from collections import Counter


In [105]: from pandas import DataFrame 

In [106]: frame = DataFrame(records)

In [107]: frame
                                        _id category  comment_count     count  \
0      {'$oid': '5a322ab27b514a3dfa645f20'}       电影           5662  926181.0   
1      {'$oid': '5a328fc17b514a56a819a18a'}       电影           2268  521073.0   
2      {'$oid': '5a328fc27b514a56a819a18b'}       电影           5037  795797.0   
3      {'$oid': '5a328fc97b514a56a819a18c'}       电影           4031  509034.0   

       have_seen_count                                               name  \
0              1172419                    肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption   
1               642465                                      机器人总动员 WALL·E   
2               991718                                     盗梦空间 Inception   
3               572801                                  星际穿越 Interstellar   

       score  short_comment_count subject_id  want_see_count  year  
0        9.6               217458    1292052           93389  1994  
1        9.3               116614    2131459           66201  2008  
2        9.3               206789    3541415           95554  2010  
3        9.1               181341    1889243           66751  2014  


[82040 rows x 11 columns]

In [110]: type(frame)
Out[110]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

In [111]: type(frame['year'])
Out[111]: pandas.core.series.Series

# frame 输出形式是摘要视图(summary view),主要用于较大的DataFrame对象,frame['year']是Series对象,有一个value_counts方法,该方法可以得到统计信息:

In [108]: year_counts = frame['year'].value_counts()

In [109]: year_counts
2015    4844
2014    4673
2016    4571
2013    4570
2012    4524
2010    4179
2011    4171
2009    3840
2008    3453
1907      15
1906      15
1917      15
1902      14
1908      12
1898      12
1894      11
1905      11
Name: year, Length: 133, dtype: int64

调用year_counts对象的plot方法得到水平条形图。如下图所示 iPython需要以pylab方式打开:ipython –pylab

# 对比分析视频数量前30的年份
In [12]: year_counts[:30].plot(kind='barh', rot=0)
Out[12]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10ec873c8>


In [29]: score_counts = frame['score'].value_counts()

In [30]: score_counts
7.5    2868
7.4    2862
7.3    2842
7.6    2805
7.7    2700
7.2    2597
7.1    2571
7.8    2557
6.8    2521
6.7    2431
7.0    2394
6.6    2326
6.5    2254
2.4      66
2.3      58
9.8      26
2.2      25
2.1      14
9.9       2
Name: score, Length: 79, dtype: int64


In [37]: frame.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False)
Out[37]:  # 只截取前十条
                                        _id category  comment_count     count  \
0      {'$oid': '5a322ab27b514a3dfa645f20'}       电影           5662  926181.0   
216    {'$oid': '5a3290e87b514a56a819a261'}       电影           3720  878690.0   
2      {'$oid': '5a328fc27b514a56a819a18b'}       电影           5037  795797.0   
237    {'$oid': '5a3291087b514a56a819a276'}       电影           2923  747410.0   
214    {'$oid': '5a3290e57b514a56a819a25f'}       电影           3628  705367.0   
240    {'$oid': '5a32910c7b514a56a819a279'}       电影           2490  698238.0   
239    {'$oid': '5a32910b7b514a56a819a278'}       电影           1672  687450.0   
217    {'$oid': '5a3290e97b514a56a819a262'}       电影           4912  668860.0   
164    {'$oid': '5a32909e7b514a56a819a22d'}       电影           4521  633554.0   
215    {'$oid': '5a3290e77b514a56a819a260'}       电影           4646  621615.0 

       have_seen_count                                               name  \
0              1172419                    肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption   
216            1123711                                       这个杀手不太冷 Léon   
2               991718                                     盗梦空间 Inception   
237             990962                                  阿甘正传 Forrest Gump   
214             870282                                   三傻大闹宝莱坞 3 Idiots   
240             895285                                      千与千寻 千と千尋の神隠し   
239             911874                                      泰坦尼克号 Titanic   
217             840261                                               霸王别姬   
164             799718                                               让子弹飞   
215             808823         海上钢琴师 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano 

       score  short_comment_count subject_id  want_see_count  year  
0        9.6               217458    1292052           93389  1994  
216      9.4               200203    1295644           67542  1994  
2        9.3               206789    3541415           95554  2010  
237      9.4               150394    1292720           57113  1994  
214      9.1               197912    3793023           51294  2009  
240      9.2               141202    1291561           49424  2001  
239      9.2               127811    1292722           27410  1997  
217      9.5               177352    1291546           78879  1993  
164      8.7               158884    3742360           37346  2010  
215      9.2               135566    1292001           99572  1998  
